Post graduates, PhD- PPRC

Person Perception Research Club

This is our research lab meeting for students of person perception at all levels, from undergraduate to senior. Typical events include:

  1. Presentation and discussion of current papers in person perception (“journal club”)
  2. Dry runs of talks and conference presentations
  3. Advice and feedback for team members in respect to journal paper submissions/revisions
  4. Conference reports
  5. Grant proposal writing and strategical aspects in the acquisition of research grants
  6. Discussion of technical and methodological issues arising in the context of our Psychophysiology and EEG labs

Research seminars in person perception: For an overview of program (time schedule) click here.

Research seminars: current topics in autism research: For an overview of program (time schedule) click here.

Scheduled meetings

Summer Term 2015

19/08/2015 Allocentric kin recognition: judging siblings from faces, Laurence T Maloney, Psychology & Neural Science,New York University
19/06/2015 Seeing individuals and seeing the crowd – ensemble encoding for sets of face, Markus Neumann, Perth, Australia
23/05/2015 1. Current Research, Romi Zäske,
2. Be Gaze: Practical advice and research examples, Dana Schneider

Winter Term 2014 / 2015

06/02/2015 tbc.
Chair: Mareike Grother
16/01/2015 Do basic image properties differ between subgroups of frequently used (face) databases and why does that matter? Claudia Menzel, Jena
Chair: Caro S. Altmann
13/06/2014 Psychopy und R, ein Plädoier für Open-Source-Software, Swantje Puls, Jena
Chair: Verena G. Skuk
Experience with the British Academy Skills Acquisition Grant,Cat Davies, Leeds
Chair: Helene Kreysa
14/11/2014 Current funding schemes for research in psychology and neuroscience, Stefan R. Schweinberger, Jena
Study-Design in familiar voice perception, Verena G. Skuk, Jena
Chair: Stefanie Hechler

Summer Term 2014

Download summer term programm (.pdf)

18/07/2014 Effects of Gaze Direction on Perceived Trustworthiness, Helene Kreysa, Jena
Practice exampls: Using G-Morph, Stella Faerber, Jena
Chair: Stefanie Hechler
27/06/2014 Introduction to fMRT, Mareike Grotheer, Jena
Introduction to EEG
, Marlena Itz, Jena
Chair: Caro Altmann
13/06/2014 Travel Journal: Trends in Person Perception, Stefan Schweinberger, Jena
On the other side of the fence: The effects of social categorisation and spatial arrangement on memory for own-race and other-race faces, Nadine Kloth, Perth, Australia
Determinants of Ensemble Representations for Face Identity, Markus F. Neumann, Perth, Australia
Chair: Caro Altmann
23/05/2014 Currnt Research, Romi Zäske, Jena,
Be GAze: Practical advice and research examples
, Dana Schneider, Jena
Chair: Jessika Komes
09/05/2014 Introduction to TMS, Gésa Gergely Ambrus, Jena
Good practice: ho to wirte a research report/proposal, Jürgen Kaufmann, Jena
Chair: Mareike Grotheer

Winter Term 2013 / 2014

17/01/2014 Chair: Marlena Itz, Presentations: Jürgen Kaufmann, Stella Faerber, Mareike Grotheer, (Christian Walther)
29/11/2013 Chair: Stefanie Hechler; Presentations: Holger Wiese, Jessica Komes, Carolin Altmann
08/11/2013 Chair: Mareike Grotheer, Presentations: Swantje Puls, Claudia Menzel, Steffanie Hechler
25/10/2013 Chair: Carolin Altmann, Presentations: Romi Zäske, Verena Skuk, Sven Kachel

Summer Term 2013

05/07/2013 Top-down and bottom-up control of repetition suppression (Mareike Grotheer)
21/06/2013 Category dependent spatial frequency tuning in face perception (Swantje Puls)
07/06/2013 Tips for writing a (good) paper (Claudia Menzel)
24/05/2013 Interdisciplinary Research – Integration of different research perspectives using the example of „cheater perception and memory (Stefanie Hechler)
10/05/2013 Dos and Don’ts PhD – Open questions about organisation, networking, possibilities and duties of PhD-student and co-workers of the research team Additional discussion: general requirements on acoustic and visual stimuli (Carolin Altmann)
03/05/2013 Research projects and goals of the RU Person Perception – Presentation of all research topics and projects (All members)
26/04/2013 No Meeting – PPRU WORKSHOP
12/04/2013 Research projects and goals of the RU Person Perception – Presentation of all research topics and projects (All members)

Winter Term 2012/13

08/02/2013 Individuelle Unterschiede im Gesichterlernen (Carolin Müller)
11/01/2013 Recend Data / JUnQ (Christian Walther)
14/12/2012 Journal Selection / Career Planning (Stefan R. Schweinberger)
30/11/2012 Ereigniskorrelierte Oszillationen (Nicole Wolff)
16/11/2012 Strukturgleichungsmodelle (Verena Skuk)
02/11/2012 Effektstärken und Signifikanztests (Jessica Komes)

Winter Term 2010/11

21/01/2010 Journal Club: Burton’s und Vokey’s (1998) Antwort auf das Face-Space-Modell von Valentine (1991)
07/01/2010 Funktionelle Neuroanatomie III (Stefan R. Schweinberger und Holger Wiese)
10/12/2010 Funktionelle Neuroanatomie II (Holger Wiese)
03/12/2010 Funktionelle Neuroanatomie I (Stefan R. Schweinberger)
12/11/2010 Post-hoc analyses in multilevel factorial designs (Stefan R. Schweinberger und Romi Zäske)
18/10/2010 Posterbesprechung für den PPRU Workshop

Summer Term 2010

18/06/2010, 11am Claudia Schulz: “Expertise for inanimate objects in congenital prosopagnosia: An MEG study” im Turm

Winter Term 2009/2010

04/03/2010, 11am Jürgen M. Kaufmann & Markus F. Neumann: “EEG Analyse mit Besa 5.3” im Turm
11/12/2009, 2pm Guillermo Recio, Berlin: “How Facial Motion Improves the Recognition of Emotion”
20/11/2009 SPR Nachbereitung (Romi Zäske, Holger Wiese, Nadine Kloth, Stefan Schweinberger, Markus Neumann, Jürgen Kaufmann)

Winter Term 2008/09

06/03/2009 Dry Run: TeaP paper presentations (Romi Zäske, Holger Wiese, Nadine Kloth, Stefan Schweinberger, Dave Robertson, Jürgen Kaufmann)
14 st
Influences of spatial frequency manipulation on face learning: an ERP study (Marko Blickhan)
15 st
Präsentation des 3DmdFace Systems zur Erstellung 3-dimensionaler Gesichterstimuli (Kelly Duncan, Atlanta)
13/02/2009 Dry Run: TeaP poster presentations (Johanna Stahl, Tarik Mohamed, Markus Neumann, Nadine Kloth)
30/01/2009 Problems in (Voice) Gender Adaptation (Christoph Casper)
05/12/2008 Influences of perceptual selectivity on faces and body parts (Tarik Mohamed)
21/11/2008 1. Planung einer Studie zur Alterswahrnehmung (Nadine Kloth)
2. Erweiterung unserer Gesichterdaten
3. Einsatz von HiWis
24/10/2008 Organisatorisches/Themensammlung

Summer Term 2008

25/07/2008 Emotional expression modulates perceived gaze direction (Janek Lobmaier, St. Andrews, Scotland)
18/07/2008 Adaptation to voice identity – Designbesprechung zu einer geplanten Verhaltensstudie (Romi Zäske)
04/07/2008 Journal Club: von Kriegstein et al. (2008). Simulation of talking faces in the human brain improves auditory speech recognition. PNAS 105, 6747-6752 (Henning Holle)
30/05/2008 Journal Club: Fox, Oruç & Barton (2008). It doesn t matter how you feel. The facial identity
aftereffect is invariant to changes in facial expression. Journal of Vision 8(3), 1-13.
16/05/2008 Conference Report: 2008 Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, April 12-15, 2008

Winter Term 2007/08

28/03/2008 Conference presentation dry run: 2008 Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, April 12-15, 2008
28/02/2008 Conference presentation dry run: 2008 Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP) in Marburg, March 3-5, 2008
25/01/2008 Aus der Tiefe des Quellenraumes: Verfahren zu Dipol-Modellierung und Analyse (Jürgen M. Kaufmann)
11/01/2008 Fact and fiction about impact factors and impact: Wie optimiere ich den wissenschaftlichen Einfluss meiner besten Forschungsarbeiten durch gezielte Publikationsstrategien? (Stefan R. Schweinberger)
14/12/2007 Stimmt es, dass alle Asiaten gleich aussehen? – perzeptuelle und kontextuelle Faktoren von Other-Race- und Other-Age-Effekt (Johanna Stahl)
30/11/2007 Person Perception Research Group Meeting (10-15 Uhr, Raum 009)
16/11/2007 Methods and Results: Analysestrategien bei Vielkanal-ERP Daten sowie Ergebnisdarstellung (Statistik, Graphiken) für Publikationen. Teil II.
02/11/2007 Besprechung geplanter Konferenzbeiträge für CNS und TeaP 2008
26/10/2007 1) CNS 2008 & TeaP 2008: Vorbesprechung
2) Methods and Results: Analysestrategien bei Vielkanal-ERP Daten sowie Ergebnisdarstellung (Statistik, Graphiken) für Publikationen. (Stefan R. Schweinberger, Holger Wiese, Jürgen M. Kaufmann)
05/10/2007 Emotion, motivation, and competence in research teams (Stefan R. Schweinberger)

Summer Term 2007

22/06/2007 Conference presentation dry run: 2007 Experimental Psychology Society and Psychonomic Society Joint Meeting, Edinburgh, July 4-7, 2007
08/06/2007 Journal Club: Thierry, G., Martin, C. D., Downing, P., & Pegna, A. J. (2007). Controlling for interstimulus perceptual variance abolishes N170 face selectivity. Nature Neuroscience, 10, 505-511.
11/05/2007 Conference Report: 2007 Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, May 5-8, 2007
24/04/2007 Conference presentation dry run: 2007 Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, May 5-8, 2007